Posted by: Julia Rosen | October 12, 2007

Pressuring Bilbray and Doolittle on S-CHIP

This is what is known as a moral dilemma. It want to see both Rep. Brian Bilbray and Rep. John Doolittle out of office. Anything that helps accomplish that goal should be done right?

These two are both one of the top 20 or so Republican targets on S-CHIP. Last I heard, we were about 13 votes away from overturning Bush’s veto of the bill. Ostensively, as a good political activist who wants to see millions of children have health care, I should be pushing folks to contact Doolittle and Bilbray to vote yes on S-CHIP. But of course that would deprive me of a good line of attack next year when they run for re-election.

In the end getting more kids ensured is the right thing to do, despite the political calculation. When it comes down to it, I am a bleeding heart liberal. I am not convinced, given what has transpired this week re: Greame Frost that the other side would make the same calculation.

So, if you live in either of their districts, give them a jingle: 202-224-3121.

P.S. The DCCC has done a great job on this issue. Check out their action center. And if you have a few bucks to spare, chip in over at the BlogPAC/Blue America page targeting Bush Dog Rep. Jim Marshall.

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