Posted by: Julia Rosen | April 6, 2009

Schubert and his cold shoulder at the Pollies

Matier & Ross shout out to Frank Schubert, the Yes on 8 campaign manager on his wins at the Pollie awards. They only got the partial story about Schubert and the Pollies. Had they dug a little bit into the response of the crowd of political consultants they could have ended up with a much richer story.

Karen Ocam has this quote from former Log Cabin Republican President Patrick Sammon at Bilerco:

“To say he got a cold reception would be an understatement. The woman who introduced him made it clear she supported marriage equality – and there was strong applause. Following that some people sang Happy Birthday – because I guess it was his birthday. But they couldn’t make it through the song because no one was singing. He detected the chilly reception and acknowledged that many people disagreed with him. But then he said, ‘However, I represent those who read the Bible and believe in God.’ Some people found that incredibly offensive. At one point, some people were hissing.”

The crowd at the Pollies is mixed ideologically, so it isn’t surprising to have some venom directed towards Schubert is not surprising, however having most of the crowd seemingly against him is quite interesting.

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